certification biologique

Chickey as it should be a very well-bred organic chicken

Our secret is to give you plump, lower-fat organic chicken that's meaty, higher in protein and tasty

  • Fed with 100% organic ingredients, without pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, GMO-free
  • Fed 100% organic food (corn, soy and wheat), vitamins and minerals, and no animal by-product (fat, bones and other animal by-products).
  • Access to outdoor areas when conditions permit
  • Free run raised on the floor, each chicken having from 25% to 45% more space
  • No antibiotics
  • Chicken of heavier weight, extended growth period
  • Air chilled
  • Retains its full flavour thanks to vacuum packaging with 16-day shelf life, guaranteed

Chicken raised under superior conditions that meet the highest standards.

Biologique Canada sm 02c98  Eco cert  Biologique Canada sm 02c98
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